Here am going to write something what i know.please forgive me if you wont like.Feel free to call me on my mobile mail id

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tanglish love

Once upon a timu(time), a guy was standing in the bus standu(bus stand).He didnt have jobu(job) that timu,,he always feelingu feelingu and lokku lokku irumbingu(cough) because of smokingu Like that one day when he was standingu one bus crossingu ,in thatu(that) one girl sittingu(sitting) and she was lookingu (looking) like angelu(angel)hero as like everybody suddenly jumping in love (fall in love with her). Next day same thing happendu like yesterady .today new things what means,,hero wearing jil glass(cooling glass),,, bottom of the shirtu inside the pantu tied with beltu.Next day as like yesterday,,,hero came to the bus standu and waiting for the busu,,, busu camu(came) hero standingu and looking his angelu,,, she is lookingu bus starts and runningu , hero waitingu bus goingu ,now hero running fast like anything and catch the bus and get into the busu,, he stands near the foot board looking angelu.Music college stopping camu and bus stopsu,, heroine stand up from the seatu.Hero was happy because he thinks his angel was a student in that college and she can music wellu(well) He was walking near the entrance and waiting for her to tell his love.suddenly his face changu(change), his angelu came with a sticku(stick) becausu she dont have eye sightu,, hero again feelingu feelingu . She was crossingu hero that timu hero went and toldu her aboutu him and his loveu,, then he told her,,, I WANT TO BE YOUR EYES.

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